I have a sixth sense for drama. One would think that means I'm good at avoiding it.
Trouble is? I'm a fucking idiot.
I got an invite via Facebook to an end of summer party that one of my friends was throwing, and instantly had a bad feeling. As such, I didn't respond to it at first. Then I ran into him at the T station.
"Hey! Desmond!"
"Hey Chris.
"You coming to my party?"
"What's that... this weekend?"
"Sure thing."
I got home, and logged into Facebook to signify that I was, in fact, attending--because obviously those undecided would make up their minds now-- And saw something rather troubling. I posted a while back about a girl who was dating someone in my social circle claiming to have cheated on him with me.
The guy in question? Listed as attending.
I'm fucking talented here. I manage to have high school drama revisit me three years out even though all the students at my school were dudes.
The party is tommorrow. Ok, technically today. So there will be a followup forthcoming. Potential for awkwardness is high. Of course, it could just blow over.
To be honest? Part of me wants something to come of it . I can sometimes be masochistic, but only if it's funny(see above statement about idiocy and where I stand in relation to it).
Anyone else troubled by this? I mean someone reading this in Russia might point out that we Americans live in a glass house when it comes to disturbing military adventurism, but I'm not throwing a stone so much as looking through my glass house into another one and saying "I can see you."
The stunt is, of course, meant to be troubling. As is this one. Inviting Iranian observers and denying Washington is a particular jab.
Bombers tracing NATO borders, troops amassing on Russian borders, and a body that's trying to pretend it's a new Warsaw Pact...
Weren't you all just saying that what we really needed, as the election draws closer, was an issue for militarists to harp on?
And it's no second Cold War just yet, but still...