
Just in case

Sometimes I let myself believe that other people read this. In any case, if anyone is reading this, and if they happen to be in Chicago, let this be said

Cafe Gourmand is a fucking great place.

Easily the best drip I've ever had, and incredibly well-pulled espresso. Good food also. a bit vegetarian-leaning for my tastes, but whatever.

also, it is at least twenty times better for writing than my dorm. There's just something about the aptmosphere, as well as their phenominal brew, and also the sorts of people that frequent it, that make creative juices flow like fucking Niagra Falls.

I've been writing a play there. I think it has winning chances of turning out well. Here's a line from it.

You take each drop of rain that falls on your head as a personal insult.

I think I'ma go back there right now.