
Been away forever/ But I'm feeling better

So I'm pretty much back in action, as it were. As it turns out my ailment was/is pnuemonia. This bout with it is by far the less severe of the two; last time I had it I was hospitalized for two weeks and had to stay within range of an oxygen tank for most of the time. This time around I've got some antibiotics that seem to be doing the trick. Thanks to everyone who stopped by with good wishes. Meant a lot.

I auditioned today for the Fourth Wall Theater, which it turns out is up and running again this summer. Went well. There is, as is usually the case with theater, a quirk this time around. More on that in a later episode, and also as things become more clear.

And once again, an entire post I had in my mind has dried up and I'm tired. I guess I'll catch you all laters.


  1. Teh quirk.. do you have to be nude???? You do don't you! YES! Where is it and when???

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hey Pat,

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. Let me know what happened at fourth wall. I wish I could have been there.

    Later Dude

  4. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Damn Wombat- Pneumonia!!!!!!
    Get some sleep.

    Do tell but get better first dear wombat.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Yes Wombat please get better. You and quirks? Nah. Sure.

  6. good to see you're feeling better. interested in hearing the quirk theater story...will check back later.

  7. Anonymous9:42 PM

    My poor Wombat... but I am so excited you are doing better.

    Glad to hear you have auditioned for another play and I am wanting to know more about this QUIRK... :)

    Take Care!!!!

